������ The Key to the Holy Scriptures‑‑ Chapter VIIII‑‑ Our Race‑‑Its Origin and Its Destiny
� Date:
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� From:
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��� To:
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The Knight of the Scarlet Thread...
Eochaidh (E‑o‑kade)...the Heremonn (Her‑mon).
The Renewal of History�how the Empire was Rebuilt and Replanted
�TRUTH AGAINST THE WORLD��(the motto of the Kumree)
�I AM THE TRUTH��assertion of THE CHRST
ALL THAT MATTERS...Dana Scully‑�X Files�
���������������������������������������������������������� �������������������������...Morpheus‑�The Matrix�
In 1892 a series of books were written by Charles A. L. Totten, 1st Lieut., 4th Artillery, U. S. A.. Professor of Military
Science and Tactics.� S. S. S. of Yale University.
Professor Totten made an intense study to try to unravel the �Saxon� riddle. The books he wrote in this study were
published by �Our Race Publishing Company, New Haven, Conn.�
Dr. Swift had several of these old books which of course are no longer available; and in our visit with Mrs. Swift, this
September of 1978, she gave me one of these old books and suggested that I prepare a summary of some of the
interesting parts of this story �The Renewal of History�, series II, Number 5 of Totten�s works. This is the story of
how an Empire was torn down and uprooted and how it was rebuilt and we are told in scripture...and
In this study the author proves that the reigns of the Kings of Israel and the Kings of Judah harmonize. And that what
some chronologists failed to see was that some events were from the sacred calendar and some from the civil
calendar.� And that the writers of scripture knew exactly what they were telling you, even though some translators
and chronologists did not understand. The author also compares the Dynasties of Egypt to bring out that it
was corruption of the office of Pharaoh that produced the ruler who knew not Joseph. Thus, brought terrible
oppression to Israel in their last years in Egypt. Then he covers the genealogies of Pharez and Zarah, the twin sons
of Judah, by Tamar, (Genesis 38:27‑30), to bring you to the conclusion with the story of Eochaidh�the
Heremonn�the Knight of the scarlet Thread.
The work of the author in his series of books was to trace the migrations of �our race�, from the time that they
came out of Egypt, and the Middle‑East, in their Westward journey, then, in this book, conclude the central romance
of what is all a romance of unique proportions.
Although Israel, struggling thru the wilderness of Northern Europe, would be without a king for many days, and all
thru their weary pilgrimage...this being without a king was only from the de facto point of view, for their �de jure� King
was never wanting.
The Zarah people, later called the Milesians, migrated into these North Western regions of Europe in their quest of
an Empire far enough away from their ancient enemies that they would no longer be plagued by them, and in
anticipation of the triple junction prophesy of the "Three Overturns" in the scepter of power, or the right to sit upon the
throne, and rule, which eventually came about. (Ezeliel 21:27 "I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no
more (overturned), until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.")
Thus, to the East, the �House of Israel� is lost, as well as the House of Pharez, and the earliest of all, the �House of
Zarah�. But in accompanying Yeremyah, on his journey, we find that the Throne of David, as well as the Stone of
Destiny had reached its Western sanctuary long before the bulk of the tribes of Israel arrived there to find that
Zarah�s royal line was in place to greet them. To find that the culmination of all this brings forth the story of �the
renewal of Israel history in the West thru the marriage of our hero and the heroine from the East, Tea Tephi, who
was from David�s line�.
This story is as the mosaic of the Bible piece by piece it fits into the whole picture of YAHWEH�S plans for
this earth. The background must be laid, and then we can begin to see the picture as the main characters are put
into place. Thus, in effect, �The Renewal of History� was what resulted from the transfer of the Throne Seat, and the
"Bethel Stone"�Lia the Isles.
In the Westward journey, the tribes of Israel received many changes of names, and this contributed to blindness on
their to who they were and where they came from.� But they struggled on. And as they journeyed, they
found some of their people had prepared the way. This was the purpose of the tribe of Dan as they took to their
ships, as well as in their overland journeys. But they also found the people called Phoenicians in many places who
were also a seafaring people.� But they were still of the same race�the Adamic race.
In tracing the Zarah people, we find that they left Egypt before the Exodus, and started moving Westward although a
small group first went to the East. They lingered in Spain, and then some moved up the coastline of Western Europe
and formed colonies along the Western shore of Europe. The word Hebrew means "Colonizer", and we have been a
Colonizing People in the earth.
Although the bulk of the people may have been the seafaring Phoenicians, or Danites, or others of this race of
people, still many times their kings were of the tribe of Zarah, who were later to be called the Milesians. The name
Milesian came from Milesius�Guillam, or (William the Conqueror of Ireland at a later date). But the name came
from this soldier of Spain whose name was Milesuis. Thus we find that the Kingship of the House of David would be
already in the West long before the transfer of the scepter from the East to the West was accomplished by
To arrive at the setting of our story, the author tells us that Milesius married an Irish Princess by the name of
Muiream. This Princess was the only daughter of the ruler of Ireland at that time. To this marriage was born a son,
who was named Eochaidh, the Heremonn, or Heremon as he is generally known. Heremon was the 8th and last of
the legitimate Princes of Spain. As the lad developed and grew his father determined in his 10th year, to send him to
Ireland to complete his education. It was also decided that his mother, Muiream, was to accompany him, and
oversee his education.
Muiream, his mother�s name, was the equivalent of Mary. She was not only a pure descendant of the Tuatha de
Danaans, but was strangely impressed with a presentment that somehow, in her, the line in due time, would be
extinct. Although she never lived to be the last surviving child and heir of Old Ard Ri Mac Greame (son of the
sun). Nevertheless, in a somewhat vary subtle premonition of what the fates had yet in store, the constant tenure of
her private converse with Eochaidh was the impending downfall of her house.
This came to pass. But not exactly as she had dreamed. And the sunset of this noble line of Danaan kings was very
glorious�but not without the promise of a more glorious beyond.
By Irish law the female line was fully recognized. And Muiream was destined to preserve it in a providential manner
by her very marriage. It is merely to be noted here that Eochaidh the Heremonn, inherited the Danaan succession as
well as the Milesian (Zarah) through his parents. There are other parallel cases to be found in England�s history as
Muiream was well equipped to superintend the schooling of anyone, particularly of her own son. Carefully educated
in the storied greatness of her own people, and more than usually learned in all the Druid mysteries which could be
shared by women, she had been most tenderly reared in her grandfather�s court amid surroundings which at an
early age had fully developed her superiority and queenly parts. She was the embodiment of an age old regime.
Older by far than its brief Irish past of 75 years by that time, and clung to it�s traditions with an open and determined
constancy and affection.
Muiream possessed the power of persuasion, the subtle gift that comes of faith in what one teaches. And she lost
no opportunity to mold her son, who in reality, was birth‑marked a Danaan, and responded to her impress.
To Muiream, the Milesian (Zarah) union had been at first distasteful. Hence its original delay. But Milesius was a
chivalrous soldier and actually won her love before gaining her hand. But the hand of destiny is still seen in some
marriages that the first proposal meets with anything but quick response from all concerned.� Yet in the end find
deeper reasons and a sound philosophy. As a matter of fact, the union had resulted in naught but good. And the
Queen�s life had its full share of a woman�s joys, and it was not stripped of the far grander mission of which she
acquitted herself supremely well. To Muiream�s perception, in spite of the Danaan throne, the Milesian (Zarah)
conquest of her native land was an accomplished fact.� For commerce had already won the issue. The land of Erin,
Ireland, was itself entering upon its Golden Era. Its art, literature, as well as its culture had already made it famous
throughout Europe. But it was its commerce that had developed it. And that island owed the Phoenicians, and latterly
to their Western representatives, the Milesian Princes, the great �middle� men of ancient ocean trade...until fate
made them principals by moving them to the West and destroying their Eastern market places.
It is true that there was a decisive battle in that generation. But we must view the Milesian light the
Norman conquest of England, 1635 years later... rather than as a deluge which swept the land and continent
away. Indeed, there is a noticeably striking similarity between these two invasions, in their motives, methods, and
results. And reading down between the lines...they possess more philosophy than modern scribblers on the scrolls
of history can dream. During the reign of Milesius, and the succeeding century, Spain was so completely drained of
the wandering sons of Zarah who flocked to friendly coalition with the people of kindred interests, that they have
hardly left a trace behind them on the continent.� While in the land of their adoption, they had evidently so melted into
the general mass of the Irish with the Danites, so as to be indistinguishable the one from the other, and as between
the Saxon and the Norman, there was soon no possibility of discrimination, and there is even less today.
But to return to Muiream�s love for her father�s people which was her ruling motive, and with all the qualities of a race
whose women have even been famous, she devoted herself to the fulfillment of her mission, which Yahweh God,
himself�had pre‑arranged. Heremonn, or as with Danaan learning, she preferred to call him Eochaidh, was a youth
of special promise.� And like his mother a genuine Danaan. However, he was also a son of Milesius, a Zarahite, and
well acquainted with Milesian/Zarah history.
In the meantime, Muiream was particularly careful that her special charge should be instructed in the lore and history
of her own people, and she brought to bear upon the task not only her own magnetic influence, but secured the
assistance of the best of the Druid Elders. However, in the deeper religious mysteries, his half brother Amhergin,
who had already been studying Druidism in the same schools, turned out to be far more proficient. Heber, another
half brother, remained at home, and under his mother Scota�s constant tutelage, prepared to take the Kingdom when
his father relinquished it. Thus, trouble would naturally come, but Destiny would, however, rule.
Muiream was also busy with designs which looked steadily toward the eventual consolidation of both realms into
one. Although MacGreame, the ranking king of Ireland, had no children, save herself, he soon learned to love and
admire his Milesian (Zarahite) grandson, and still viewed him as the possible heir of the Danaan throne. Yet this was
far beyond in his thoughts, and they would have been unwelcome...aye�and maybe even dangerous to all
concerned. Thus, Muiream never broached the topic to her father.
Throughout this sojourn in the land of Destiny, she and Eochaidh dwelt at Cathair Crofin, and it was there the Royal
Palace was erected. His going in and out among the Clans and his excellence in manly sports of all descriptions
soon endeared him to the people. He was far better known as an athlete, and a leader in all feats of arms, than as a
mere University student, and he gained the love and admiration of all with whom he came in contact. All this had a
beneficial influence upon his fortunes...when in later days, an unfortunate occurrence brought about an open rupture
resulting in the actual conquest of Ireland by the Milesians, and still later when the Clans took up the topic of
supremacy, in a partisan spirit, between Heber and Heremonn, .
But to return to this queenly teacher and her son�as the time drew near when she began to anticipate their recall to
Spain, she redoubled her efforts to instill Danaan learning in the young Prince�nor even after the summons and
return, were there wanting ample opportunities to pour over the legends of her people into his ears.� The summons
came when he had reached his 18th year, and with reluctance, she obeyed the order to return to Spain.
In Irish history, the Eras (there were five in 497 years) belonged to different dynasties, all jealous of each other.� And
to this day, no one had threaded their labyrinth.� But we must not forget that Yahweh was also in this matter, and
was disposing of its several and completely dissevered historical chapters.
For purposes then future, and in methods hardly even yet perceptable, manifest, and clear, the same Providence
was weaving in the East and West the more or less confusing groundwork of the "Romance of the Ages". But by no
possibility could the actors of either of these widely separated groups of peoples...grasp� the true purpose of the
whole. They, in fact, had lost the mutual meaning of the threads which tied their individual parts together, although
their records show that they followed these threads towards each other untill, eventually, their very fibers
were entwined.
Mother and Son
Time and again, reclining at his mother�s feet, had Eochaidh listened with enjoyment to her graphic way of scanning
through the story of her native island.� To Muiream, its tale was simply that of one of a continuing Danaan
conquest and settlement. And in his earliest childhood, Eochaidh had caught from her the spirit of its romance. His
broader education at the Irish Universities had never ruptured the thread which she ran backward through his
heritage. A heritage that studying through his books, only continued, and served to string it together, more thickly with
new beads, and fill the spaces here and there, which she in the enthusiasm of a grounded faith, had either hastened
over, or else entirely neglected.
Her work was like to that of genius upon canvas which in but a few bold strokes, brings out the whole effect. But
the impatience, and the quick, receptive mind of Eochaidh was easily persuaded, yielding, and flexible to her brush.
Such is the power of woman as a mother, that it never did lose the master�s stroke.
Moreover, there was an ample amount of interest in this theme that Muiream had loved, and which she therefore
chose most frequently in converse with her son. For we must not forget that there were earlier chapters in the story
of these people. Chapters that stretched further back, still, into their remotest past,�and spanning at least another
1000 years, including the stories of the Tuatha de Danaan proper,�The Fir Bolgs, The Fomorians, The
Nemhedians, The Parthalonians, the Iberians, and earliest of all the Craunnogs. No wonder our historians have been
long at sea in their search. They sailed without a compass pointing unto Israel as the Pole, or focal point of their
Muiream�s sole object was to establish the unity of the Irish race down to the eventual Milesian/Zarahite conquest
(of which she foresaw), that would bring comparatively few newcomers to the Island. For as she firmly believed that
Eochaidh would be its Ard Ri, or common thread, and she desired to impress upon him that the mass of his
subjects would be his mother�s people. And that he would be truly King of the if he had been the son
of the ranking king of Ireland MacGreame himself.� She was jealous of her people�s ancient prestige, and she wished
her son to have good reason to be true to them, no matter what, that they in turn, might give him their support
without reservation.
As wave after wave of what was left of flotsam, or the human goods, whose history and heritage had been lost in
the shipwreck of time, and had been floating on the sea of one successive immigration after another...which history
eventually washed up on the Irish shores...was passed in review before Muiream�s gaze, and her own analysis of
what the sea gave up, bore ample evidence that all of it was but a part of one great ship of State whose sections,
derelict upon the tide, had simply come in one by one instead of all at once. The wreckage all bore the marks of
common origin, and therefore gave opportunity for a rude assortment when they reached the shore.
Beyond this Muiream gave the subject little thought. She viewed it only from its western aspect which gave her
summary its greatest value. For as we've already noted, it shows that Yahweh, Himself, was intimately involved
in the case, and was disposing matters that were not, altogether, too clear in the west...of what He had ever so
quietly, begun in eastern lands.
We must not forget that we view Erin�s story through even later heaps of jetsam, or human goods which sank in the
sea, and remained under a people that had become totally forgotten in history altogether, and more and
more they� have been confused by those who have disturbed the Emerald Isle's history and heritage...ever since
it became an object of Anglo‑Saxon contention and dispute.� None of its strata have much order now, and long ago
their main treasures were mined out. We do however believe that early Irish history as Muiream viewed it, was
mostly true in a broad sense. So let's turn to those earlier days of Eochaidh, and sitting with him at the feet of
Muiream, take from thence a somewhat hasty survey of the history of Erin, for it's only after that, that we may
confidently move forward with our hero into other scenes.
Muiream�s Story
Well, Eochaidh, thy mother must at once betray the weakness of her sex, and therefore will anticipate the end and
fond conclusion of her story at its very start.� I shall bring Danaan history with you, to whom it has come fully down,
and in whom, I believe, it will literally culminate. You are my son, and I the Queen. If not the last, as certainly the
youngest of all the Royal Danaans; hence also, you are peculiarly my people�s son. For as my uncles have no
children and MacGreame's own line runs out in me, you are the only rightful heir of Erin�s �Craun.
I am not concerned so much, my son, in your Milesian story, for you have come hither to the Western Bournes,
guided by the same Destiny that pioneered your predecessors. And now the Fates have given them an equal
promise in the future, for I see in the philosophy of facts, that history will soon repeat itself. It is for you to follow back
the special line marked by that �Scarlet Thread� (Genesis 38:28).
Danaan history is without beginning. Who we were in the far off� �shadows of the rising son�, was never clear to
me. Accounts are so confusing. Although they all conspire to point unto the gods themselves. A long time ago, our
ancestors came into a land which they named Dania for their father �Dan�, who was our Posie‑Dan, or Father of the
Sea. This land was at the very center of the earth, and therefore always overrun with enemies. For there first, did
men congregate, and there the struggle for supremacy began. There to, I think, that they had many brethren. But
very early, they, that is our own peculiar ancestors, grew weary of pursuits on shore, which so engrossed the
others. So they abandoned Dania one by one, for the more daring life upon the waves where they were born. Indeed,
they mostly lived upon their ships thereafter, and wandered in them everywhere. And perhaps this is the reason that
we know so little of the true history of ancient Dania, for it soon became an almost Universal name. And so in time,
the men whose sons and daughters continued to be born, as at first, upon the sea, in various places, and from
generation to generation, there literally was no special Dania, or homeland for the Danaan left.
But some at last grew weary of having no fixed resting place, and hence it is that we, one branch of their
descendants, have now once more become quite content and reconciled to life on land. Even so, we still love the
sea on which this Island home floats safely even though we worship the gods beneath the groves. But enough now,
of the primitive legends, for you know them all from your earliest childhood.
In spite of the many names by which the successive colonists who have settled here are known, there are really but
two Royal races now in Ireland�your own, and mine. That is, your father�s and my father�s. For, as you know, I
am the only daughter of one whom I misgive will be the last Danaan King, and you, your father�s son, are a true
Milesian (or Zarahite). Yet, unlike your brothers, you naturally so favor the characteristics of my own people, that to
me you seem to me as one of them, and not a true Milesian. However, I will give you briefly the skeleton of Erin�s
story, for you to clothe yourself with all the incidents of the� flesh that the education of your heritage and history may
suggest, I will begin at its earliest colonists�.
The Craunnogs�
This island had no aborigines when Danaan keels first grazed upon its shores. It was a heritage in keeping for them
and quite desolate of all, but that of natures loveliness�a spot of green, so peaceful that it lured to land even those
whose preference had till then, been wedded to the waves. The legend says they drew near to it, at the termination
of a dreadful storm which had nearly driven them over the very ocean�s furious limit in the West, when turning East,
they sighted from afar, its emerald diadem of leaves. And that they landed here at once, and as a sign that they
came to stay, we are told that they destroyed their ships using the masts, which saved them from the tempest, as
the very piers of their earliest dwellings. These Craunnogs were really Danaan�s people. Of course, they were only
the very rudest offshoots of a roving and adventurous people, none of whom had shaped themselves so as to
conform to any sort of a fixed and positive love of the sea and freedom. They lived in lake and
river their descendants do today, preferring water, after all, to land.
But this very colony had been actually seeking our far off insular abode, when the tempest overtook them. This may
seem strange, my son, but from remote times, it had been believed by their own ancestors that somewhere in the
strong north‑western angle of the earth, the seat of a final empire (land) should find a throne of permanence.
This colony had wished to be first to seize it. And had set out for this purpose when the storm fell on them. Thus,
discovering this island under the most adverse circumstances that had brought them to it, they settled here,
believing it to be the very one meant by the ancient ollams. For, Eochaidh, this same thought has been in the hearts
of every set of colonists who ever landed here. Even your Milesian (Zarahite) ancestors have a similar
tradition. However, our earliest colonists had it as part of their very life. And this, I believe to be true. They called
themselves �CRAUNNOGS, or the CROWNED PEOPLE� from this very nation that the true meaning of their name
is �TREE TOPS� and it comes from words common to all our dialects.� Craun�meaning a tree, and og�meaning a
tuft or termination. We use this same word for a crown as they did.
Muiream continues: �You know, my son. that even now no Danaan sailor ever trusts himself upon a ship whose
mast head has a trimmed, that is �stripped� of its �craunnog� or its top‑most tufts of leaves. Our learned Druids tell
us that we inherited this custom, not from these early colonists, but with them must have come from the common
Eastern origin this idea. The Druids say it's the Universal sign of kinship among all the people who down to the
present day, have sought the refuge of this island sanctuary, that is of all except the fierce Milesians who being the
last, have conquered it at least commercially. Tradition also points to it as one of the oldest emblems of Danaan
destiny, the very symbol of a Universal Empire. But who? The fates are still reserving that for some future showing. It
is also a sign of conquest and defeat. And I doubt now, Eochaidh, that some of the deeper mysteries of the Druids,
whom I grieve to see you do not like very well, were, in their purer origin, significant of the branch of our Empire
destined so they say, to be planted here in time. They say the mistletoe, which came with us from Dania, was
wrested thence in token of this very promise, and I would that thou, my peerless son, might be the one to grasp the
leafy scepter from the hands of Destiny.
But the centuries have waited, and may linger still. Yet, Eochaidh, the heraldry of that blazing Sun of Gold upon a
blood red field, which you, the Royal son of the Scythian race, inherit, must be indicative of something. Would that it
meant that Dania�s sun, which certainly set in the great MacGreame, has in his daughter�s child, a still more brilliant
rising yet in store.
But a final word about these earliest colonists. The pulpits upon which the Druids stand when giving judgment, are to
this day called �Craunnogs�. And they always have the mystic twig of mistletoe above them. Indeed, thy very throne
will bear this ancient name, a fact which bids thee bear in constant mind that it is literally founded upon piles which
drive their way through every human stratum in the land, down to this very oldest and rudest of them all, and all of
this must prove to you that my argument is both just in its beginning, as well as full of moral import to a future
king. Connaught, as you know, is the very land of of its earliest Royal Centres. And no one would deny to
men, from whom we have our finest seamen, the plainest title to their ocean birthright. The very tufted �Craun� they
leave above each dwelling is an emblem of their race.
Muiream goes on to describe the next coming of Danaan people, the Iberians, who were a richer and more cultivated
class of the Danaan people. But still the same race of people, nonetheless. And they soon spread themselves over
the Island, and were soon more or less absorbed with the Craunnogs into a general people of like pursuits and
habits. Muiream tells her son that other colonies are being established in the lowlands of Northern Europe, and then
in a few centuries they too invaded Erin. These were the Fir Bolgs, or the Belgae. Then there also was the Fomorian
Sea Kings, and these people were crossing and re‑crossing each others tracks so often, that it would require the
closest care to avoid confusing them. However, they were, all of them, sons of Dan, and some cases, his
brethren. But they all live in their ships, and they speak a common language, united in legends of a common origin,
and are all impelled by common destiny to seek this very land. The day is coming when these brethren of a mighty
race will re‑cross each others tracks on the land just as the Danaans have already done upon the sea. But the land
must be almost as ample as the sea itself. Therefore it will be harder to fill up and overflow, and neither can
migrations there be rapid as then wafted by the winds.
The Parthalonians
Muiream continues her story�.We have now arrived at a period when we may dispense with mere legend and
conjecture, no matter how well they may have been fortified by argument and collateral evidence and at last, appeal
to record as our certain guide. For with the advent of the Parthalonians upon our shores we may fairly consider that
the authentic history of Erin commences. It is true that this unfortunate colony left only their graves among us as
their permanent records. But nevertheless, each of the succeeding waves of colonization was� �so intimately related
to that of Parthalon, and so was legitimately its natural outcome, and so certainly recruited from similar sources, that
through their unbroken records we may confidently work our way back to it as a positive starting point.
According to the genealogical table provided by the author in an earlier study, the Parthalonians were really the sons
of Zarah. So were the Neimhedians, and indeed the leaders of the Fir Bolgs and Formorians. Their seafaring traits
and common legends and customs, so similar to those of Muiream�s own Danaan people that she might not have
realized the difference. None the less, she was right in the broad sense, as all of these people were of the seafaring
branches of the Abrahamic stock, and though the Craunnogs and Iberians were obviously, and undoubtedly of the
tribe of Dan, the others equally with the direct generations of Milesians, and they have a straight descent from Zarah,
or a generation back from Judah, himself. There is no doubt however, that the bulk of their followers
were descendants of Dan. They manned the ships, and owned all those that ruled the commerce of their days, at
least they shared with the Phoenicians all the privileges of trading the Fairs of Tyre. These latter drew their wares
from every harbor known to merchants. And Danish history has roots upon the coasts of India [Eastern Tarshish] as
well as on the shores of Erin [or Ireland] which was the Tarshish of the West.
Returning now to Muiream�s account of the Parthalonians, she finished their history as follows. In the latter days of
their successors, they were overtaken by the wrath of heaven as a dreadful pestilence swept over Erin. And by it, not
only were the Iberian settlements in the north and south relentlessly decimated, but that of the Parthalonians was
almost entirely swept away. They nearly all lie buried now in the Thaum Lacht of Ben Eider near by Lyffy, where the
tomb of Parthalon, himself, may still be pointed out. For most of those who survived the pestilence fell victims to
their own anarchy in the next thirty years which complete the 300th year of the Parthalonian Era.
A pause in Muiream�s story then occurs as her son who is now a part of the Danaan Navy, spent his vacation on the
sea. At Eochaidh�s return, Muiream picks up the story of�The Neihmhedians�the sons of Zarah
The story of the people whom we are now to consider Eochaidh, form such an important factor in Irish history, that I
beg of you a particularly close attention to it. Although it is very brief, it is of great value for my purposes in that it
enables us to continue the special Danaan thread now firmly grasped in the Parthalonian recital, through them, and
their successors down to the present day. The people who are known as Neimhedians, in fact, form the Golden
clasp in the chain of Danaan identity, and kinship which reaches backward to the Parthalonians, and forward to the
Fomorians, the Fir Bolgs and the Tuatha de Danaans themselves.� Let us resume our story�
Our chronicles explicitly inform us that Parthalon did not bring his entire family with him when he came. For he left
an infant son named Adlah behind him in Javan. Thus, at the time the pestilence swept the Parthalonians away,
there had descended from this son a lineal successor named Neimheigh. This man was not only of great wealth, but
had many followers in Javan where he, himself, was a great warrior. So learning of the misfortunes that had
overtaken his lineage, he resolved to proceed to Ealga in person, and secure the Western possessions that he had
inherited. In the history of this time, there were wars between the different groups in Ireland. And they were all trying
for supremacy and rulership� of that land.
The interesting thing about this time of Irish history is that at that same time that the Neimhedian rule ended in
Ireland, it corresponded to the final year of the siege of the land of Samaria back in the Middle East, which took place
at about 740 BC (2 Kings 17:4‑6). There can be no doubt that the sons of Dan and others of their brethren were
busy in those days in escaping to the West.
The Fomorian period was a short one for Ireland�s history. It commenced with the fall of Samaria in the East and
lasted seventeen years. The Fir‑Bolgians or Belgians, had settled on the Western shores of Europe where we find
Belgium today. These were colonies established by the Danaan people, but into which came many of their brethren
as they escaped from the East, rather than going into captivity to Assyria. With the coming of Israel brethren from
the East, the people in the West were able to keep up with what was going on in the East as Israel was taken into
captivity, or fled before the Assyrian conquerors.
Muiream�s story continues�Eochaidh, MacErc, the son of Radnal, was the final King of the Fir‑Bolgian line. He
had ruled Ireland for ten years, and that brought my own people on the scene. His wife was a Mileso‑Iberian princess
named Tailte, the sister of your great grandfather Breogan, then the King of Spain, and the place of her interment still
her name.� The Fir‑Bolgians ruled Ireland but thirty‑seven years.
(The author now pauses in Muiream�s account to demonstrate the accuracy of her account, for it is at variance with
all the histories so far this time. Yet she is right, and they are wrong, and even worse. For they are also
inconsistent. The cause of their error was perhaps a natural one, considering the remoteness from the events
transpiring in Greece, and Palestine, during these very years, and their total ignorance of any straight connection
between the Eastern and Western phases of a common history. The genealogy of the leaders of this time settled
the question, as the five leaders of the Fir‑Bolgians were the sons of Dela, and they returned in person to avenge the
death of their brother who had been slain at Tor Conaing only seventeen years before. Thus, at a word, there
vanishes like a mirage from the horizon of Irish history, two hundred years or more...erroneously interpolated even
by the best of her historians.� Genealogy and chronology must go hand in hand. These two important �lines of time�
must agree within reasonable limits if history founded on them is to stand, and Ireland can honestly boast of quite
sufficient antiquity without longer endorsing errors that only serve to bring discredit upon her otherwise
unimpeachable annals. The errors were made because Erin�s accredited historians would not stand strictly by the
�generations�, and thus, could not correctly base the years of each rule of these different Kings. Now�let us return
to Muiream�s recital as her people are in route to Erin.)
The Tuatha de Danaan
And now, my son, let us turn to the final chapter of our story. And now I can speak with the greatest degree of
personal confidence and historical minuteness. For the Tuatha de Danaans are not only my own peculiar branch of
this race of �Sea Kings�, its Royal and Patrician class, but they were its last arrivals here in Erin. Their story will
bring the Danaan history of Ireland down to date. That is, down to the Milesian conquest. Moreover, I believe most
firmly that the so called Tuatha de Danaans were the last section of our race who left the ancient dwelling place of
Dan in the far East, a land which your father, himself, has visited in person, and found it to be almost entirely empty
of inhabitants and history.
I would, alas, that we could penetrate those Eastern chapters of our story. But beyond our debarkation, and its
immediate Eastern cause, our history there seems to be as utterly washed as are the countless wakes left by
Danaan keels upon the trackless waters which lie between. As well, might we expect to see their phosphorescent
glow renewed and fixed forever on the bosom of the deep, as now to hope to penetrate the gloom which covers up
that Eastern History. It is true that our actual exodus from Dania was only 112 years ago. But we, the children of the
sea, seem to have been divorced by Fate from any deep concern in Eastern matters, whole centuries before that
final strand was cut. Our Western chapters however, are more easily deciphered. For our chronicles are very
positive upon the more important facts, to which I now invite your close attention.
Muiream goes into detail to outline the genealogy of those coming from the East so as to keep in her son�s mind the
fact of who he was.
Muiream�s story continues�We, the Tuatha de Danaans left original Dania, only at the very last moment. And
moreover, we left it empty behind us. For we came away as a body with no intention of ever returning there. As for
our ancient harbors�we burned them. Moreover, somewhere on our journey it is equally certain we fell in with the
Irish Neimhedians, and eventually came here under their pilotage. Merely this and nothing more. Our records are
equally positive that it was from Assyrian invasion, and oppression, that we fled from the east. And I doubt that
not. For, Eochaidh, those were the very Assyrians whom your father found still warring around that Danaan land of
desolation in the east. And they are no doubt the natural descendants or at least successors of the ancient enemies
of our race. It was just about 100 years ago before your father�s visit to Riffleoir that the Fir‑Bolgian exodus took
place. My ancestors left the east in the next generation, although we probably left Dania for Javan soon after the
However, here we are safe. And far beyond the utmost reach of eastern foes. Their chariots cannot ride the waves
where we are indisputably the masters. And even should they ever reach the shores of Europe, all of its Danaan
seaboard, united in such a holy cause, would rise as one and offer them a sacrifice to �Father Dan�.
It is thus clear that we originally inhabited the far off eastern Dania. And that we left it by way of Javan because of an
impending invasion from Assyria. But we were the second ones to leave, for the Fir‑Bolge left it first. They were
pioneered westward by the refugees who had but recently returned to the east from Erin, and knew the way back to
these, the Western colonies of our race. And moreover, from our western chronicles, which are positive thereon, it
now appears that fate has taken a hand in steering our ships, guided us out into the ocean, and temporarily directed
our prows away from these favored islands of Atlantis, sent us rather to the Northern mainland colonies of Iberia, in
the very wakes of the Belgae, or the Fir‑Bolgs who preceded us thither. But who had gone on to Ireland ere we
arrived on Spain. By these latter kinsmen we also were well received and treated with great hospitality. They
assigned us land for cultivation and also gave us four cities to inhibit.� the former we called Dan�s Mark, or Dan�s
resting place (Denmark),
and the latter were named Falia, Goria, Fennia and Mura.
But the chronicles are equally explicit that true to its name, this land was merely one of rest, for we remained in
Denmark only twenty‑one years.� And then the constant cry of our chief men who had grown weary of the mainland,
was��To the islands, or our ships�. We had deferred to our Neimhedian pilots who had advised us to proceed to
ports which were already well known as friendly to our countrymen, and thus we avoided warfare. Hence, it was that
we had not gone directly to Erin. I also think that the very fates conspired against our making your Milesian ports in
Spain. We were destined, it is true, to meet your people, but in days yet then future.
While resting peacefully in the lands of Denmark, just vacated by the Fir‑Bolgs, we were not idle by any means, and
became fully posted upon Erin�s affairs which was at that time under the joint occupancy of the Fomorians and
Great errors have occurred in understanding these eras of Ireland�s occupation and reigns. You cannot add the sum
total of each reign and occupation to arrive at the age of a land...if those reigns and occupations overlap one another.
To misunderstand, or to ignore the fact, that these occupations, and reigns, overlap is, therefore, a grave error. This
is the habitual method of all who have not understood, or who have misconceived, the secret of Irish chronology, and
it is so subversive of her true history that we fear it will endanger the hope of future ages unraveling the story, and
thus splicing it on to that of our ancestors in the east, unless we rectify it now. The fact is that from Parthalon down
to Milesius, is a period of but 497 years, instead of the 1200 to 1300. And nothing is to be gained by such wholesale
misrepresentation. Indeed, much is to be lost for it keeps the matter in derision. For all true historians to recognize
the to reveal, and honor a mighty moment in Irish history.
Thus, we find that the family of which Muiream was a part, left Denmark, spent seven years in Albion, and then they
went on to Ireland. It was just 121 years after the Tuatha de Danaans, had left their ancient home of Dan in the
east, that the Milesians (Zarahites) entered Ireland. And now to prove this by her own genealogy: �Eochaidh, her
son by Milesuis the Zarahite, was the grandson of her father Mac Greame, who was the son of Carmada. The son of
Eochaidh, the one for whom the Heremonn was named, and who came to Erin from Denmark with the Tuatha de
Danaans, was the nephew of Breas.
The Return to Spain
Eochaidh, and his mother returned to Spain, and were welcomed by Milesuis, then 62 years of age, and already
contemplating a division of his realm between his several sons. Eochaidh had not reached the legal age of
twenty‑five, but he had given evidence of peculiar ability as a sailor ,and had won honor in that line. Thus, the
command of the Milesian Navy was given to this young son of Muiream and Milesius. In a successful season,
Heremonn�s fleet successfully punished the pirates so severely, that commerce was assured for a long spell of
safety, and Milesius then granted the oft‑repeated request of the young Prince to visit Egypt, the famous scene of his
father�s own early adventures. As a lad, the Prince had listened to his father�s stories of the East. And his later
converse with his mother had only served to increase his desire to see these famous regions for himself. In
correspondence with his father while away at school, he had frequently reverted to this wish, and the hope had been
fostered by his now fully assured naval successes.
In pursuing the interests of Milesian commerce, Heremonn had but lately passed thru the Gates of Hercules and
touched at several kindred colonies along the most western shores of that great inland sea, upon whose far off
eastern coasts the legends of both branches of his ancestry related that his race sprung to power and
renown. Heremonn was still but eighteen. And Milesius assented that several years yet remained before it would be
proper to give him a share in the sceptral affairs at home. The elderly King looked upon the matter as a feature of his
son�s education. And was himself anxious to obtain direct news from the regions where he had personally spent
many pleasant years. It was true that Necho, his Royal friend, was dead, as was his son. But Hophra, whom he had
remembered as a youthful Prince, was on the throne of Egypt.� And he knew his son would have a friendly welcome
at that court.
Accordingly the young Prince hastily prepared for the voyage. A single ship was selected, one of the best in the
Navy, a few trusted officers, and a well chosen crew were assembled. Plenty of means for several years of travel
were provided by Milesius, and rich presents for the reigning Pharaoh.
To Muiream, however, the parting was an exciting one. However her feelings were somewhat foreboding. As the
young man�s heart was set upon the trip, she stifled all her fears, and gave him her maternal blessing, and steeled
herself to await the outcome, which after all, she viewed with subtle confidence despite an ill‑defined excitement.
So it came about that he proceeded to the very confines of Egypt. Visited its market places and ancient temples, and
he admired all of its art and architectural wonders. But he spent less than a year at Pharaoh�s court. And as the
state of affairs in the East was much less settled than he had anticipated, or was prepared for, he left the regions of
Tanais toward the end of the year with the intention of touching at Crete and Cyprus. And thus, returning West by
way of Getulia according to circumstances.
An Eventful Voyage
It was upon this return trip, that Eochaidh experienced a remarkable adventure, and whose mysterious import never
ceased to influence his later fortunes, even though its most important link seemed to be fatally lacking for� many
years. Driven out of their course by severe weather, his ship had gladly sought refuge in what appeared to be the
ruins of an ancient harbor. It was that of Joppa, already dismantled and deserted, save by a few fishermen of the
lowest order. But from its inhabitants, he had gleaned enough to suggest the strange fancy that perhaps it was here
his ancestors had dwelt.
The storm‑stressed Milesians, or Danaan, if you will (for the crew had consisted of about equal parts of both
peoples, and Heremonn was quite as much the Prince of each, not only in their own estimation, but his as well), had
tarried there some time, and while his shipmates made such temporary repairs as would enable their craft to start
again upon its homeward voyage, Eochaidh the Heremonn had heard of the luxurious city of Jerusalem, situated at
some distance inland, and decided to visit it. Rumor added that it was even then being besieged by powerful Eastern
enemies. This however, only served to increase his resolution to journey thither. Thus, in for an adventure,
Eochaidh, together with two trusted tribesmen, now planned the short journey inland, for the double purpose of
viewing the conflict, and relieving the ennui of their forced delay.
Captured by the Babylonians
Just as they were about to start for Jerusalem, a strong detachment of Babylonians swept into Joppa and seized the
entire party, and were upon the point of destroying their galley. But upon second thought, and because of the evident
value of the ship and the importance of its owners, the captors decided to report the matter to the
Commander‑in‑Chief who was then at Ramah, only a few miles north of Jerusalem. Leaving therefore a strong
guard in charge of the merchantmen, they returned with their prisoners to Mizpah, whence they had originally set out
on learning of the shipwrecked strangers, intending to move forward to Ramah upon the following day.
At this critical juncture, they were befriended by circumstance. This was, no less than, the arrival of a party of
Hebrew refugees at Mizpah. The latter were by no means prisoners, although they were also under special
Babylonian escort. They were of evident rank and consisted principally of a queenly middle‑aged woman, named
Hamutal, and the three young maidens who proved to be her grand daughters. The elder was a pretty child named
Scota, a familiar name. The middle one a maid of striking Hebrew type, while the younger was still a lovelier little girl
of some three or four summers. They were attended by an Ethiopian eunuch of commanding presence, by a
younger companion, apparently a scribe, whose attention to the elder girl was unmistakable, and finally by an
austere man, clad in the garb of Hebrew Priesthood.
The latter seemed to be well known to the commander of the original detachment, who had indeed preceded them to
Mizpah with the express purpose of provident for the safety of this particular Hebrew party. As soon as the Hebrew
Priest learned of the captured prisoners he seemed deeply moved. And having diligently listened to all that the
Babylonians could impart, he persuaded a delay until the Commander‑in‑Chief, himself should arrive, who was
expected on the morrow.
The interview which forever after was vividly impressed upon Eochaidh�s mind was somewhat as follows: As soon
as Jeremiah, Nebu'zarah'dan, and Eochaidh were left alone, the Hebrew thus addressed the Babylonian Captain,
�This stranger is the son of a great Prince whose domain is near �the blessed Isles� which lie far beyond the Ultima
Thule. The kingdom is but small, and is underneath the setting sun. But know, Oh Nebuzaradan, that the destiny of
Babylonia is mysteriously linked with the safety of these mariners, thus let them depart in peace. They will return
unto their own land, nor will even their posterity visit these shores again, until the Golden Age has changed to silver,
that of silver to brass, and that of brass to iron, in the latter days of earthly empire.
These words, uttered in Phoenician dialect that was easily comprehended by each of his listeners, produced a
marked effect on both, and observing their attention, the Seer continued: ��Thou hast, by order of the king, thy
master, hitherto obeyed all the mandates of YAHWEH, and behold Jerusalem again has fallen. So too, all other
things unroll, even as the sacred scrolls predict, and I am here according to agreement with the daughters of
Zedekiah, whom the king, Nebuchadnezzar placed upon the throne of Judah. Let it be known to thee, O Babylonian,
that the victory of the Chaldeans has been brought about not by chariots nor horsemen, but by the LORD of Hosts,
before whom even thou has lately trembled in thy visions�.
At this, the Babylonian captain visibly startled, changed color, not angrily, however, though with evident concern. But
appearing not to notice his increased attention, the Seer continued as follows: �Nor yet, without indubitable
premonition stands this stranger here today, who hitherto has bowed the knee to Baal only, amid the oaks and
cromlechs [stonehenges] of his native hills. Be it also known unto thee, Oh Nebuzaradan, that these shipwrecked
strangers have been cast upon the shores of Joppa for a �sign� and for a �witness� unto thee, that all my words shall
surely come to pass, as well as unto them when Erin�s time are also full�.
These remarks of the Prophet Jeremiah, particularly the allusion to his mother�s land (Erin) and the scenes of his
youth, surprised Eochaidh beyond measure. But he held his peace and the Prophet continued as follows: Behold, I
will establish this that thou mayest know that the words of YAHWEH are certain, and his counsels sure. Last night,
O Captain, thou wert troubled in thine heart, and sleep went from thee, for a vision of deep import haunted thine
eyelids. That dream was sent to thee from heaven�nor hast thou mentioned it, or told it to another. Nevertheless,
this is the riddle thou didst dream. �Thou lookest and behold, a vine of low stature, and of unknown verdue, grew
upon a mountain high and excellent, and as it spread abroad, behold, a single leaf expanded in the midst thereof,
and sent its lobes, the one toward the East, another to the West, and a third toward the North. And yet a last towards
the sunny south. And the growth thereof was terrible. And the shadow of the leaf spread over the face of the whole
earth. And thou sawest until the strength of the mountain, whereon it flourished, entered into the leaf, and gold and
silver, brass and iron, flowed from the bowels of the mountain into the veins thereof. And yet, its texture seemed to
be of stone, for the mountain also poured its quartz into the leaf that grew. And thou didst view the vine,
and its growing leaf, one came and plucked a tender twig thereof, and gave it to a little child.� And lo, the whole earth
rejoiced and all creation dwelt in peace beneath the shadow of the vine�.
This is the remarkable interpretation of this vision. �Know you therefore, Oh Nebuzaradan, that this vision is certain,
and its interpretation sure. As a sign thereof, I charge thee, cause this stranger to be searched�.
The Captain of the guard commanded that the prophet�s words be carried out, and as the young Prince was
searched, lo, beneath the Caims of Eochaidh, was a chain of gold, clasped around his neck. And suspended to it
hung a four leaved shamrock, curiously worked in inimitable filigree with gold and silver, brass and iron.� And it was
set with quartz and glistened in the sun. This Talisman had been the parting gift of his mother, ere he had started
upon the eventful voyage, and was greatly treasured for supposed Druidic virtues. She had charged him to wear it
on his heart, and told him that it was an ancient heirloom of great age. And it certainly was a treasure of great value,
and with all a work of art.
Now, at this time, the little daughter of the unfortunate King of Judah (Zedekiah), strayed into the group, and
Nebuzaradan impressed with the strange fulfillment of his dream directed that the treasured circlet with its pendant
gem be cast around her neck, for her name was Tephi, which in Hebrew signifies a young twig�or a maiden. And
she was also called by the pet name of Teah, which is a diminutive signifying �tender�. Teah Tephi�the Tender
Twig. (Ezekiel 17). As this was done, the Prophet spake again and said to Nebuzaradan the Captain, �Behold, thou
hast found favor with Nebuchadnezzar, and thy king will make thee Captain of his four‑fold host. And thou shalt lead
his armies to the North, the South, to the West and to the East.� And thou shalt have great honor in thy latter days.
As for now, speed these strangers on their way�.
The Captain of the armies gave the orders and the prisoners were released. And the orders were given also to
speed the departure of the galley.
The Mysterious Interview
This night before the merchantmen of Tarshis were to start from Joppa, the young Prince was called into a place
apart by the mysterious Seer and blessed. The Prophet took a horn of oil, and anointed him and said, "Return no
more to the East, nor pass the Pillars of Hercules again. Pause not in thy return voyage, obey the light thou hast, for
the legends of thy people are well founded. Seek Empire in the West, for thou shalt be ruler in thy father�s stead. The
four‑fold kingdom of the Sacred Isle shall be united upon the stem of thy posterity. Behold, YAHWEH blesses thee
and thou shalt judge thy people. And in the days of thy greatness, thou shalt have a throne of stone�a scepter, and
a Princess fair to see. Thy seed shall dominate the earth, nor shall it fail in the day of trouble. The Zeal of the
Almighty shall accomplish this. And for a �sign� THE SERPENT SHALL DEPART FROM ERIN. Meanwhile, return
thou unto Western Heshbon, and forget not amid the groves of Baal, that there is a Mighty ONE in Heaven, and that
the cromlechs [stonehenges] of thy people are too narrow for HIM who dwells in the Universe. Haste not this vision,
nor be slow of Faith, for many days must pass before these things take place in any phase or form. And finally,
regret not the gem that thou hast lost. It is the price of thy escape. But when thou findest one amidst the verdue of
some Green Realm far away, recall these incidents and wield thy scepter wisely in thy day�.
Thus, spoke Jeremiah, the Seer, and on the morrow the galley preceeded the sun in its Westward journey.
The young Prince returned home and related his personal experiences only to his mother, who concealed the
story. Her son was the youngest of several half‑brothers, and his elders had the Royal precedent. Muiream�s
observations to her son as to the incidents referred to, brought the observation that the words of the Prophet were a
corroboration of much that she had known in her own life. For of all the ancient promises of his mother�s people,
they based their faith upon ONE that looks unto a woman as destined to preserve the Danaans from the serpent that
bites the tribal horse�s heels. This was darkly symbolized upon the Royal Danaan Heraldry which came West with
her family. Muiream then goes on to tell her son: �
Your birth was ominous of something strange and yet great. Enough that I had special reasons for belief in one born
with an �arrow mark� upon his heart. The day when thou shouldst have been passed above the sacred fire, the eldest
of the Druids sought me, and forbade the act. He was a strange and silent man, who took no part in any of the
outward rites we celebrate within the Cromlechs. But had remained a hermit in a place apart. I knew not that he was
in Spain. In fact, I had not seen the �Brehun� since Carmada died, save in a dream ere you were born. And when he
came, my vision was fulfilled. He was the one who gave me the talisman which you so strangely lost on this eventful
voyage to the East. And with it he bestowed this curious seal which you have never seen before. I give it to you now,
son, but charge you never to part with it in life or death.
The Queen now produced a ring of great antiquity, and gave it to her son saying, �It is the cognizance of Dan,
himself, who was the founder of our �House of Dan�. A Beryl, pure and precious, and not with what skill its heraldry
is graved, a creature which is half man, half horse, is wielding in his hand an arrow‑snake.� And whose quaint
characters below spell out his name, as you can see. For in spite of centuries, I dare not think how many, that is the
secret Ogham of the Druids. Dan [Pathfinder of fidelity and life for the Oxkind] was a �Brehen� as his name implies, a
Royal Monarch and Arch Druid, born to judge among his people always. So thou shalt do and after thee thy sons,
until the final fire shall quench the waters whereon Dan abides. I say thy sons�, for when the aged Druid gave to me
this seal, he bade me know that��In the strength of this child�s thighs, the stars predict an empire shall arise�. Smile
not, my son, that thou preferrest me, thy mother to a wife, for an omen, or a sign, such as I have known may tarry,
but not fail. Marry no Milesian Princess, Eochaidh, for thy star is double and the color of its second light must
complement thine own. I also say�do not marry a Danaan. I know not what to say here on, save that thy
counterpart will come�.
Later, Muiream continued her talk with her son. �Let me return therefore to these earlier Danaans, the
Craunnogs��with whom my story of Ireland began. �You recall the significance I place upon the twigs and leafy
emblems we have all inherited equally with them, and to which we still attribute so much subtle meaning. The added
weight that all this obtains...when considered in connection with your adventures is significant. Depend upon
have met a Prophet of our race. And there is destiny waiting thee behind the Veil of Isis, whom I believe you said was
one of the gods of Egypt. And certainly has sway in other lands. You have told me, my son, of how forcibly you were
struck by the name of that wonderful Eastern city [Jerusalem, i.e. the Peacefully Founded] which you failed to reach,
but how confident you were that the desolate land upon whose shores you found yourself was in some way related
to our own Danaan forefathers. But this was not all. For what convinced you most of all, as to its being truly classic
Danish ground, was the startlingly familiar name of that inaccessible interior city which among other lofty titles, all
signifying the �Holy Mountain� and which the fishermen thereabouts called Jhireon, Akron and Hierusalem.
The people who gave the name Jheironakron to Erin�s most sacred promontory were these identical Iberians of
whom we used to talk long years ago in Erin. Yet the name is pure Danaan and signifies to us, as it did to the
Iberians �the Sacred Mountain�. No wonder you were struck by it, my son. And I can only beg of you to be convinced
anew that these early Iberians were actually Danaans, and that their ancestors must have known of the earlier
Jhieronakron (Hierusalem) so near the ancient city�Yiffey in the land of Dan. The fact is, Eochaidh, the Iberos came
Westward seeking the same scepter, and when accident thus, took you to their most ancient land, behold you found
it empty. It had been depleted every time that emigrants had gone to Ireland and the West. I shall often wonder what
has become of the city and inhabitants of ancient Jhieron or Akron which the Babylonians were besieging when you
yourself fell into their hands, and were so wonderfully delivered. I think Erin is the inner sanctuary of this land of
Tarshis, and I would that you were sure of ruling it in days to come�.
The subject was dropped between mother and son as the years rolled on. But Heremonn never disobeyed the
Prophet�s injunction and confined his voyages to the coast North and South of Spain in the Atlantic.
In the 25th year of Heremonn�s life, sorrow came as his mother died and was taken for burial to Ireland. After the
funeral, as the Prince returned to Spain, he found that the Empire was in great trouble and the sacred books when
consulted, reminded them of the ancient predictions that Ireland would be the �Promised Land�. First it was decided
to send a representative from Spain to the Island to stop the insurrection there. It would have been better to have
sent Heremonn as the people knew and loved him. But another was sent in his place and this created more
bloodshed and unrest. As you remember there were other sons of Milesius, and now is the time for the sons of
Scota the Queen to see if they can realize the aim of their mother. But also, remember, that all of this is in the hands
of the Almighty. And the Prince of the Scarlet Thread, who is chosen, will be the one to reign in Ireland. At the
culmination of trouble between the half brothers, when the feud was now between Heber and Heremonn the
Danaan, the population arose as stand with Heremonn.
Church and State
Heremonn�s father�s ancestors had left the land of Egypt before the Sinai law had been promulgated, or even before
Moses had even begun to write 1st 5 books of the Bible. Therefore there was no knowledge of the Old Testament.
Theirs was but primitive and patriarchal laws and traditions. And although all knowledge of its origin had for a long
time been dissipated in their constant wanderings, still its simple purity was summed up in a belief in ONE GOD
only...whom they named, YAH. Who was worshiped with but little ceremony in the deepest heart. The Scarlet
Thread had led them to this land of Fate, whose very name they took to be indicative of Supreme favor (for
arriving�Ierin had phonetically meant Jar‑in or YAHWEH�s land. But some say Jurin or Judah�s land) had wrapped
itself about the very roots of Eochaidh�s or Heremonn�s deep nature, and he had been drawn to seek in constant
converse all that the wisest of the pure Milesians could impart thereon. In his mother�s teaching, she had warned her
son that there were people in Ireland who were not of his race. They had come on the ships of Dan and were located
in the south of Ireland at that time. She had told him they were never to be trusted with any part in the government, or
in the Druids, or any other religious ceremony. She had told him that if you ever let these people gain a foothold over
you, that you would find yourself in great trouble. The young Prince of Scarlet Thread remembered these things and
determined that when he was king of Ireland that things would have to change. He was prepared to renew the
ancient struggle between YAH (JAH) and BAAL.
At this time in Ireland�s history, as Destiny was to move, we find that these strange people had infiltrated some of the
Druids, and even some of Heremonn�s trusted warriors had other plans for Ireland, while the people simply idolized
the Heremonn, and loved him quite as much for his own sake as for that of Muiream�s memory. Thus at last
Heremonn is made King of Ireland unofficially, and then the preparations were made for representatives of Erin�s
clans to gather at Cathair Crofinn to install him still more solemnly as the Ard Ri, or King of the island.
The Ollam�s Ship
At this time�Milesius was now dead, and many of the Milesian people had been coming into Ireland and other
places to the North of Spain. As they left Spain and vanished toward the North, a strange ship which was none other
than that carrying Jeremiah, made the port of Corunna. As soon as the Ollam [solitary and concealed from ancient
times] learned the situation of affairs he determined to lose no time in leaving Brigantium, but at the same time
resolved to avoid Ireland for the present, or at least until the issue should be settled as to the future King of
Ireland. Thus the ship of Jeremiah continued on to the North, to the Danish colony, the second stopping place of
almost all who came West in search of the �Blessed Isles�. Trouble with the ship made it necessary for the
purchasing of a vessel and then limiting his crew to a select body of Fir‑Bolgians, collect from crews lately
discharged and anxious to return home, he made a prosperous transfer and arrived at the Belgian settlement before
the year was out. Here Jeremiah and his party were kindly received. And here he remained with his party until the
time of the trouble in Ireland was over. Here in this land Jeremiah buried Hamutal his own daughter, and here we find
traces that Baruch was with this party, and that he stayed in this colony as Jeremiah went to Ireland.
Eochaidh�s Coronation
The events which we have followed had all hastened, in their own set time, toward the fulfillment of a mystery, and
our Hero himself, through all this seemed as though unconscious of the underlying cause of his strange impression
as the eventful day of Coronation drew near.
The clans had met according to the Irish custom, and had solemnly declared their recognition of his right to
succession, and this was far more significant of future peace than any right that came of arms and conquest only. It
was a long time ago when these scenes were laid�of which Ireland�s legends are so full�and which with colors
blent with faith, and newer light, and bonded somewhat with pardonable imagination, we are now called upon to
It was the day of Love and Chivalry, and warm colors may be freely used to fill in such a picture, since all the
essential threads of the Romance have come down to us in the Irish Chronicles themselves. In its general aspect,
Erin�s Isle had become renowned, and with the flight of years, the sons of Dan, and now Zarah�in reality both
kindred peoples�secure at last in their Western Eden, and now once more united forever, had become mighty in
their union, and the future promised well. These were the days of war to be sure, but such was the common phase
of human life in those early ages. They were chivalrous at least, and the people were relatively better off than any
upon the earth.
Such was the peaceful outlook now assured when Eochaidh the Heremonn, Prince of the Tuatha de Danaan by his
mother�s side, and the direct descendant as well, of Fenesia Farsa, and thus Zarah, twin brother of Pharez, of the
Royal House of Judah, was about to receive the national recognition as the �Crowned Horseman� of the four
principalities of Ireland. All of the clan representatives had gathered from near and far to witness the coronation
ceremony. The occasion had been planned so as to follow closely upon the Tailtean games, and to add to his
popularity, the Heremonn himself had entered into the tilts and tournaments, and successfully won the highest
honors. In fact, successful as a warrior, skilled in the lore of his people already famous for their wisdom and culture,
handsome and commanding in his presence, and beloved by all the Tuaths, no such Prince had ever yet succeeded
to the powerful throne of the Proud Ealgan Isle. But his chieftain�s heart was sad in spite of all these gay festivities. �It
is not good for man to dwell alone�, nor was this Western Paradise yet wholly perfect. The young Heremonn was
now some 36 years of age and still unmarried. He missed his mother now that the desire of his ambition seemed so
close at hand, as she had shared his lifelong aspirations, and thus was sadly needed at this crowing moment of his
strange career. He was impatient with the flattery of the aged Druid, who drew near for a sign that the ceremony
should begin. Today the young Prince would make his choice of maidens who would be his legal Queen and
consort. He would make his choice as part of the ancient rite, and the Druids had summoned from far and wide the
beauteous womanhood of Erin. For with Mystic significance the Prince would now stand beneath the sacred
mistletoe and kiss his Queen in the presence of the people�but still the Heremonn delayed�no maiden yet had
really won his heart, and least of all, did he so desire the haughty Milesian upon whom the priestly fast had with
assiduous diplomacy endeavored to fix his hesitating choice.
Today the Druids were the sole masters of the situation, and when the shamrock crown was assumed...the Prince
was required by law to seat a consort on the sacred war steed and lead her to the mistletoe.
At a signal the horse was now led forward, and with appropriate ritual was crowned with a single horn of
gold. Resting upon his head was a tribal emblem of great antiquity��The Unicorn��and was significant of mystic
strength on land and sea. Tradition related that the ancestors of the tribe of Dan had formerly borne the serpent only
as their heraldic blazon, but that in a conflict with a mighty rival, mounted upon horseback, one of them had
overthrown his opponent, slain him and then tamed the captured steed. Hence the blazon of the tribe was now a
serpent biting at the horse�s heel.
Next: �the rich banner of the Proud Milesian line was given to the breeze. Its central device was a �Rod and
serpent�, in commemoration of the adventures of adelas in Egypt, and as the emblem caught his eye, his mind
reverted to his latent thoughts he vainly strove to formulate, but now they all materialized at once. The memory of his
voyage to Egypt, and his strange adventure at Joppa awoke with all its intensity, and Muiream�s explanations, and
their mutual hopes, all realized but�one�crowded his sight so vividly that they were all but real. One by one the
incidents passed before his quickened memory and now the crisis of his Destiny was on him�and the vision
seemed about to fail�for where was the Princess fair to see?
As Eochaidh unconsciously uttered this thought aloud the Unicorn, or crowned horse of Ireland chomped its bit, the
assembled Tuaths raised their shrill cry of �Sluagh‑Ghairms�, and the Prince at last was startled from his revery. He
arose at once, and taking the impatient steed from its Druidic custodian, led him toward the multitude, resolved upon
a�coup demaitre�as dangerous as it was now.
But STAY: �Strange news disturbs the gathering. The Druid themselves have a special cause of excitement, for
the sacred serpents are manifesting as ominous uneasiness. SUDDENLY�a band of shipwrecked mariners, clad
in Eastern costume, had emerged from between the neighboring oak‑clad hills and are slowly approaching the
gathered multitude. The halls of Cathair Crofinn are hushed with deep expectancy, as preceded by a venerable
man�the strangers advance toward Heremonn, while veiled amid her trusty little retinue, a single maiden pauses
somewhat in the background. Two of the new comers bear between them by a stave thrust through its iron
handles�A RUDE BLOCK OF STONE�and others in the group bear chests, and mystery withal comes with
them. Instinctively the clans divide and form an avenue of approach and where the shouts just rent the air, hushed
stillness, still more oppressive to the ear, marks the deep evidence of interest.
Irish History is about to begin, and the Universal History its Renewal, as Empire has reached the West!
At last, to that expectant audience, the elder stranger speaks.� They understand him readily, for he employs a dialect
of their own tongue, and at his first utterance, Eochaidh, visibly affected lets go the sacred steed, and now standing
calm, lowers his scepter to the earth.
The speaker now recounts the tale of his adventure. He shows them of his origin, and strangely too, of theirs, for
woven into his recital, there are references to legend that are not unknown in Erin. He shows them his commission,
announces he had come��To build and to plant� (Ezekiel 17: 22‑24)�a Universal Empire, and relates the legend of
the LIA PHAIL, or �stone wonderful� which he has with him.
The bearers now draw near and deposit the sacred block�Lughaidh�Bethel, or House of God [Mighty One], before
the Heremonn, and from its riven side a stream of water gushes, as it did at Horeb centuries before!
Sir Walter Scott has preserved for us the legend of its virtues in an ancient Gaelic ouplet, thus translated�
As Eochaidh, his self ‑possession now fully recovered, and his heart absorbed in interest, draws near the mystic
stone, he chanced to brush it with his seven‑colored kilt, and thereupon another prodigy took place, for at that
instant�as though from out the bowels of the block, a groan [Sign] was heard�prolonged, and penetrating to the
remotest edges of the vast assembly. The startled Heremonn fell aback, dismayed, and the hearts of the very
Druids sank within them at the sound. But the venerable custodian reassured his witnesses, and explained to them,
that, when the rightful heir of the �Stone Kingdom� touched this Sacred Palladium of Empire, it was often won�t to
roar aloud its approval. So the clans themselves took up the shout, and rent the air again with acclamations for the
new Ard‑Ri, or Head King, of the land.
Now it was noticed that the stream of water had ceased to gush from the LIA PHAIL, and the attention of the
gathering was directed to four other members of the party, who drew near and placed a closely covered chest which
was born also upon staves between them, before the speaker. As it touched the earth, another prodigy took place,
and one more "Witness", more ominous than all the rest...for the sacred serpents of the Druids, with many hisses,
gasped and died. Then suddenly, the very island seemed alive with snakes, that swarmed out of their coverts, and in
terror sought the sea and hastened down there to drown themselves.
Far and wide over Erin did this prodigy take place, causing equal terror to all its inhabitants, and to the ominous
dismay among the priestly caste, for the Druids knew that the end of Druidism had come. This prodigy became
renowned in Irish History, and was recognized by Eochaidh as the fulfillment of the prediction made to him in Joppa
years before. For it was the ARK OF ISRAEL that wrought this wonder, for no sooner had its bearers rested their
mysterious burden upon the earth and the excited gathering been calmed, then the chief priest removed its drapery
and disclosed in all its wealth of workmanship, the �SHEKINAH�of the covenant.
The author has this to say about the Ark of the Covenant�some think that this was merely an authorized copy of the
ancient ark that Yeremyah brought with him to Erin, and that the real vessel is still concealed in Horeb. Jeremiah
could have placed it during his long stay in Egypt. We take the mountain of concealment to be the Western
�mountain of the height and greatness of Israel�, and opine that it was the Pisgah to which Moses in spirit came, and
Jesus in His turn, to see the future of the Kingdoms in their full millennial splendor yet ahead of us. But be all this as
it may, the Prophet Yeremyah brought West with him a potent similitude of Israel�s Ark and it gave evidence of his
authority. Even as in captivity it had cursed the land of Philistia, in the days of Eli, so now in this, its constant
sanctuary ever since, this wondrous chest brought blessing to its land of refuge. The era of this patriarch who
brought it to Erin, is far older�1000 years�than Saint Patrick, who in latter days simply assumed the honors of an
elder legend.
With such a sign, in demonstration of his mission, the grey‑haired speaker continued his address�he told them of
Abraham�s Destiny, and wove it strangely into theirs�of the true God�s oath to David�and the promise unto Dan,
their father;� and he spoke of Zarah, and the �Scarlet Thread�, of Gadelas and Moses, and of Egypt from whence all
are called. He appealed unto the Heremonn for confidence, and persuaded all who heard him with impassioned
eloquence, for inspiration was upon him, and persuasion led his hearers captive.
At a sign from the speaker the maiden and her escort now drew nearer, and stood in modesty before the Prince,
upon whom the Ollam Fallah�cast his piercing glance, and paused awhile, as if to read his innermost heart. Then
he lifted the veil of Zedekiah�s lovely daughter, and lo�upon her bosom hung his lost Talisman, for this was�Tea
Tephi��The Tender Twig��grown to gentle womanhood who stood before him!
She was indiscriminately known to Irish and Welsh legends as Tea Taffie, Tephi, the Eastern Princess�Tea
Tephi�the King�s daughter. And it is simply willful blindness doubly stultified, not to see in this array of sharply
focused and significant names, this the identity of Yeremyah�s missing ward. We find her Palace later known in
Ireland as Teamor�how like is that to Solomon�s city in the wilderness�Tadmore, meaning �change�. Solomon
also had a daughter, Taphath, from the same root as that of Tephi, ( I Kings 4: 11) and the name
meant�secret�hidden light�the covered standard.� Aye: Publish this is Taphanhes!� and let it (now) be known in
Noph, that David�s �covered standard� which took hidden flight from thence so long ago, has at last disclosed, and
its secret is that the soil therein that �tender twig� took root downward and has born fruit upward, was on the
Emerald Isle.
But back to Cathair Crofinn and its scenes of romance�Fairer maid has never shone in loveliness so wonderful
beneath the Irish sky, she was indeed �a King�s daughter�, a Princess fair to see. And what a consort for the chosen
judge of Dan. How great, how beautiful a Queen for Eochaidh, the son of Zarah! His exclamation had indeed been
The impatient steed neighed and whinnied at the long delay, and as in a prancing mood he pawed the earth, seemed
to invite attention, while the gracefully curved neck he lowered his golden unicorn in homage to the Queen. The heart
of Heremonn had burned within him as he listened to the eloquence and strange recitals of the venerable prophet,
for it was indeed none other than Yeremyah laying a foundation stone�in Israel. Coming thus solemnly to interrupt
his very coronation, and supplementing with such fullness the predictions he had listened to at Joppa, the Heremonn
was from the first convinced that Providence has now about to round his destiny. The years that had transpired had
wrought great changes in the youth, and YAHWEH had prepared his spirit by strange experiences for this crisis in
his life. But now his heart was wholly won, as he gazed entranced at Tea Tephi, and then the King became a
suppliant. Impulsively he left his place of state, and bent to kiss the hand of the fair and blushing Princess, whose
own heart had from the very first accepted his. As the Royal Suitor knelt before his chosen bride, the Princes of the
realm acclaimed again, the Sacred Stone renewed its weird approval, the Royal steed neighed at the clamor, and
even some of the Druid Priests found their hearts reclaimed.
In a moment of enthusiasm the chief of ceremonies seized a branch of mistletoe from one of his attendants and
held it o�er the twain, while Tephi, bending, loosed her golden chain and flung the Talisman once more about her
lover�s neck. When Yeremyah blessed them, and called upon YAHWEH to water with his grace, the �twig� which he
had �planted�, and David�s Monarchy rebuilt beyond the reach of interference by their age old enemies.
Notable days were those in Ireland, when these incidents took place. There were Irish chronicles that are naturally
rich in the tradition of this heroic period. They tell us of the wondrous beauty of Tea Tephi; of the building of
Teamor; or the royal heraldric standard of the King�the red lion rampant upon a golden field;� and the sacred
breastplate by which all oaths were taken. They tell of the death of Tea Tephi; of her mysterious burial, and of
endless other facts and incidents, that point us back unerringly to Palestine. The Island took a new name from the
Sacred Stone of the Empire, and was then forth called INNIS PHAIL...the "Land of Destiny".
The Heremonn and Tea Tephi were crowned upon �The Stone of Destiny�. The chief city of the Tuaths changed its
name from Cathair Crofinn to TARA, and through its famous halls the harp of David shed the soul of music, tuned to
the sympathetic voice of David�s loveliest daughter.
A college of Ollams, or Prophets, was established by Yeremyah. He became the Prime Minister of the realm, and he
still holds upon the dome of Dublin�s capital, the position as Chief of the Masters of Ireland. In Simon Brecus
(Baruch) who figures prominently at a later period of Irish history, we find suggestive traces of Yeremyah�s trusted
scribe, probably the husband of Scota�Tea�s oldest sister, or at least of his posterity, for there are several of the
names both before and after, as in the case of Scota, and many other common names. The land of the
Scots...Scotland was, in fact, named after Princess Scota.
While unto this day according to the old proverb�
�There�s not a hut, the isle around,
But where a Jerry may be found.�
In the midst of Ireland itself there is a tomb. A tomb that has been shown, and proven to be to be none other than that
of Yeremyah, the Prophet, himself. In Lough Erne, the upper lake, is the small island of Davenish, and there, near its
towering hollow pillar is the rock‑hewn sepulcher that has been known from time immemoria, beyond the knowledge
of tradition to the contrary, as the tomb of Yeremyah...the great OLLAM FOLLA of Erin.
All of these traditions are older than the Christian era, and the idea of later collusion is preposterous. These facts
solve the whole mystery of the Prophet�s disappearance, and although they are diametrically opposite to the written
and accepted history of the world today, the time is not far distant when they will supplant it, for they have too many
collaterals to be suppressed to much longer, and the vindication of Yeremyah�s own commission requires us to get
the truth in order, and uphold the Bible, although all other books and learned commentaries have to stand aside.
Nor should it be forgotten that it is this controversy that YAHWEH, himself, has some concern about, since that, by
his command, this prophet was��to build and to replant�, and did so there in the Western Isles of Innis
Phaile...Ireland. All who deny it, in the face of testimony such as this, and adhere to the general idea that the mission
failed and that Yeremyah was slain by the Jews, to say the least, have either read their Bibles blindly, or not at all. I
prefer to believe the latter...Not at ALL!!!
The ancient Baalistic/Druidic worship in Ireland was soon succeeded by one based upon that of Moses, and in due
time the Druids themselves became enthusiastic priests of truth. The Ark of the Covenant was concealed in Tara by
the Ollams (Prophets) of Jeremiah. [In the book Tea Tephi, an auto biography, Tea Tephi claimed that the Ark was
taken elsewhere, on a westward sea journey by Yeremyah.] They placed within it the title deeds of Palestine, and
many other sacred treasures, which remain there yet, against their future day of glorious
manifestation. Free‑Masonry had its renewed birth at this mysterious period, and was undoubtedly established by
Yeremyah, �The Royal Arch Degree��as the guardian of the Ark�s secret resting place. It is presumed to be buried
in the �Mergech�, or Tomb of Tephi, as the word Mergech is a pure Hebrew word meaning Repository. All
the traditions maintain that it has remained absolutely� un‑violated down to this very day.
Free‑Masonry�came from the Ancient Mystery Schools of Israel�Masons or builders of OUR RACE. Many Great
men of this race have been Masons and understood at least some of this mystery, for instance�George
Washington. However today, like most everything else�Satan�s children have infiltrated and destroyed much of
Masonry until it is a mixed bag, mostly Baal, maybe a little in some places of YAHWEH, in the rituals, but surely
adapted to the World Order.
Satan�s children are �devils� and �satans� who are walking around in shoe leather, and are none other
than Jews...who are the slanderers and accusers of the brethren of your race, and they are opponents to Yahweh�s
law. Lucifer was and is the arch‑enemy. Arch Enemy, or enemy of the Ark of Yahweh. Masonry and Druidism are
counterfeits to the genuine Melchi�Zedek priesthood, known in ancient Egypt. Good men have been deceived and
seduced into becoming part of the ranks of Freemasonry. Abraham was familiar with the Code of Hammurabi.
Moses incorporated part of the Code of Hammurabi (teacher of Ham) into the legislation for the Israelites. Mosaic
means: made of small pieces�composed of diverse elements combined together as a whole. Yeremyah abolished
Druidism in Ireland when he introduced them to the Covenant of Yah; only the rebels continue on with Druidism,
whose rituals mimic Yah�s ordinances. [When has a Mason or a Druid ever told you anything of substance about the
Adamic race or the People of father Israel?]
The author [Totten] tells us that he has in his possession�direct and personal correspondence with prominent
personages in Ireland and England who have been interested in exploring the ruins of Tara, with the express
purpose of discovering these �spolia opima�. The ruins are private property, but permission has been obtained
several times to examine them, but all efforts�to explore�have been a failure. There is a mystery connected with
the matter, and at least at the times of the former attempts�the �Set Time� had not come. Thus the great Mergech
at Tara Hill, the name of the tomb once thought to be Celtic, now since 1871 known to be Hebrew�a repository, and
it undoubtedly contains treasures of great importance to OUR RACE.
In later years (A.D. 1024 Cuan O' Cochlain, who was for a time the Regent of Ireland, wrote a poem, and this is a
brief of some of the stanzas:
��It gave great happiness to the women
�When Temor, the strong was erected and named.
���������������������������������� �XXX
�The gentle Heremonn here maintained
�His lady, safe in an impregnable fortress;
�She received from him all favors she desired,
�And all his promises to her he fulfilled.
�������������� XXX
�Bregia of Teah was a delightsome abode;
�On record, as a place of great renown,
�It contains the grave�the great Mergech�
�A sepulcher which has not been violated.
�������������� XXX
�The length and breadth of the tomb of Tephi
�Accurately measured by the sages,
�Was sixty feet of exact measure,
�As Prophets and Druids have related.
Tephi�s death occurred about 10 years after her arrival and marriage. Eochaidh, whose reign is put down as 13 to 16
years survived her only long enough to complete the monument erected to her honor. He was 52 years old at his
death. The only son of Eochaidh by Tea Tephi was Irial, the Prophet. This Prince was carefully educated at Mur
Ollam, or School of Prophets founded by Yeremyah. At his father�s death he was only 16 years of age, so trouble
started for Ireland as the sons of Heber once more took the throne. Later the Heremonnian faction recovered the
crown and Irial ascended the throne when he was 25 years of age. Heremonn after Heremonn was gathered to the
dust, and their spirits returned to the great ARD RI the Great Yah of heaven, but the scepter of David held its
unbroken sway on the earth, and Judah�s Royal Remnants prospered in the isles. Down thru the ages king
succeeded king, and all were crowned at Tara� on the LIA PHAIL, but the site was too narrow, and its shadow
spread abroad.
At last Fergus, the first king of Scotland (Scotia Minor) left Ireland�(Scotia Major) and again transplanted the Red
Lion Rampant, and the throne of David. Taking the �Stone of Destiny� with him, he was crowned upon it in unbroken
successions all the kings of Caledonia took the crown.
Kenneth II removed the Stone to Scone, and there the Scepter still passed over it, from successor to successor.
Finally Edward I captured this Talismaic Stone and took it to Westminster Abbey, where it was placed�beneath the
Coronation Chair of Great Britain. The Stone had since been returned to Scotland, and later was ordered back to
england...but there is speculation that it is merely a copy of the original which is supposedly still in Scotland.
The common people call it �Jacob�s Stone, Jacob's Pillow, or Lia Faile (meaning "Stone of Destiny")�, they believe it
to be the token of an indestructible Empire, and that it is indeed the richest jewel in the British Realm.
Ezekiel 21:27 I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it (the scepter, or the right to rule) and it shall be no [more]
(overturned), until he comes whose right it is to rule, and I will give it [to him].
In due time the royal line of David followed the stone into its new resting place. When James I united the Empire, he
brought the Red Lion of the tribe of Judah, with its golden field, from Scotland, and placed it opposite the Unicorn of
Israel, uniting thus the British coat of Arms, and between them placed the motto of Benjamin��God and my
Right��for it is the heritage of Little Benjamin to dwell safely by the anointed of YAHWEH, even between Ephraim
and Judah.
This is a theme well worthy of the pen of prophecy, and accordingly we find its thread closely woven into the lines of
Sacred Writ. Those ancient Hebrews were beneath the finger of YAHWEH, statesmen of so broad an international
and far‑reaching type, that we�who live but a generation only, and waste our years amid trivial things cannot
comprehend the magnitude of state‑craft so consummate. �Behold!� I do a thing in your days�, utters one of them,
�That ye will in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you�. And it is even so;� for done it is, and though �tis
done in stone�, men do not stand convinced.� And it is well done, by a sculptor who heweth without� hands, and
whose handiwork is mountainous in constant growth. The vision of Nebuchadnezzar is fulfilling before our very eyes,
and the dream of Nebuzaradan�is A Fact. The four leaf clover casts its shadow upon every land, for North, South,
East and West�it is only under the Shadow of Saxon things alone�that men have any hope.
I hope that you have enjoyed this book review of the Planting of the Empire in the West, and realize the Beginning of
the Western Empire as the overthrows occurred and placed the great Pillar�Jacob�s Stone�where it belonged, as
the chief Jewel in the diadem of Britain. Today this Stone�The house of Yahweh�is the heart�s core of the Stone
Kingdom growing into a mountain on a Saxon earth. Nor need we of this hither half of the Anglo Saxon brotherhood,
find any cause to envy Ephraim (who are the British), for American (Mannasseh�s) greatness is well assured, as
pointedly put down in prophecy, as sharply chiseled as a fact of history, as Ephraim�s or that of England.
America...the nation that was "Born in a Day". America�s mission is mapped out beyond the Shadow of the Scepter,
and to set it forth here is foreign to the purpose of this book report�but IT IS THERE.
But in the fullness of time, and by the romantic marriage of Eochaidh and Tea Tephi, we have seen how YAHWEH,
our God, kept the integrity of His oath to David, and hastened to perform it, for in Genesis 49:10 it says "The
sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him
shall the gathering of the people be.", and we see how the Scepter delayed its final entrance into the
greater��City of Merchants��London, England until all the hosts of scattered Israel had come back into the fold.
������������������� �������������������ELLA ROSE MAST
[Notations within these �square� brackets are not those of Mrs. Mast, or myself. However, I did edit the text, hopefully
without losing any of the integrity of the story]
The program of the Kingdom of Yahweh God, is one of COMPLETE and� TOTAL VICTORY!!! HE WON'T HAVE
We have started on a very long trek to understanding and knowledge. Hosea 4:6 says "My people are destroyed
for lack of knowledge". "Knowledge" is power, and as Yahshua said in John 8:32 "And ye shall know the truth,
and the truth shall make you free."
It's time to quit believing in Jewish Fables, and Fairy Tales, and study to show thyself approved, and prove all things.
The next topic in this series of studies is:������������ ��������������������������������"What became of Cain...and his
May Yahweh Bless and Keep You and Yours,
I am, as always, in the Service of Yahweh our Yah‑Hoshua, who is Yahshua the Messiah, King of
Kings,���������������������������������� �����������������Pastor Don Campbell, Covenant Church of Yahweh � 2002